2013 BFA, Savannah College of Art and Design
2008 Tarrant County Community College
2017 Mythos, Wells & Verne, Portland, OR
2014 Bacchanalia, Adsum Studio, Seattle, WA
2016 Flora & Fauna, Splendorporium, Portland, OR
2015 Zodiac, Splendorporium, Portland, OR
Nude, Splendorporium, Portland, OR
2014 Supernatural, Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Seattle, WA
BALE FIRE: Of Ribbon and Boar, POND Gallery, Portland, OR
Art Showcase, Cascade Gallery, Portland, OR
First Thursday Open Studio, Goldsmith Blocks, Portland, OR
Printmaking & Photography, Splendorporium, Portland, OR
2013 Monster Mash, Good: A Gallery, Portland, OR
IN/EX, Ashmore Gallery, Savannah, GA
Painting Senior Showcase, Alexander Hall Gallery, Savannah GA
DeFINE Art, Alexander Hall Gallery, Savannah, GA
Open Studio Night, Alexander Hall Gallery, Savannah, GA
2012 Just Dandy, Site-Specific Installation in Paris Market, Savannah, GA
This is Not a Demo: Printmaking Exhibition, House 412 Gallery, Savannah, GA
Open Studio Night, Alexander Hall Gallery, Savannah, GA
CelebrateILLUSTRATION!, Morris Hall Gallery, Savannah, GA
These Friends: A Culmination of Our Collective Consciousness, Desotorow Gallery, Savannah, GA
Scape Exhibition, EYA Gallery, Burmingham, AL
2011 Horror Show, Butcher Gallery, Savannah, GA
Taste II Art Event, Meddin Studios, Savannah, GA
Fight The Spill!, Crites Performance Hall, Savannah, GA
The In-Between, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.;
Gutstein Gallery, Savannah, GA; ACA Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
2017 Schweda, Brendan. The Order of the Days, "Tuesday", Book, pg. 14.
2014 MortalCrow. "My Beliefs", Humanistic Paganism, Digital Article.
2013 Grossman, Pam. 2013/14, Phantasmaphile, Digital Article.
2011 Doll, Mary Aswell. The More of Myth, Book, pg. 11
2010 Kim, JuYeon. “The In-Between”, The In-Between, Catalogue, pg. 9.
2015 Private Collector, New Orleans, LA
2014 Private Collector, Seattle, WA
2012 Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong
Private Collector, Baltimore, MD
Private Collector, Savannah, GA
Kennel Hall, Savannah, GA
2011 Kevin Emery Productions, Savannah, GA
Private Collector, Savannah, GA
Private Collector, Jersey City, NJ
2010 Private Collector, Fort Worth, TX
Private Collector, Lubbock, TX
2009 Private Collector, Fort Worth, TX